
Love is . . .

Love is . . .

Love is . . .

Happy Valentine’s Day! The most wonderful day of the year for a romantic like me.

Do you remember the comic strip ‘Love is . . .’ by cartoonist Kim Casali? Now, I’m not a regular reader of comics of course (not enough words for my liking), but this strip caught my eye back in the 1980s when it was syndicated in a British daily paper. I liked its simplicity and I liked its focus: celebrating the small things in love as well as the large; appreciating so many different aspects of a relationship. The message, I think, is a good one. There are so many ways to show your partner that you love him!

Here are some of my favourite ‘Love is . . .’ captions from the strip, which I hope may inspire you today:

Love is  . . . not asking how much her new dress cost.
Love is  . . . the reason we’re here on earth.
Love is  . . . finding he has a high ‘kissability’ factor.
Love is  . . . bringing out the best in each other.
Love is  . . . two people sharing one heart.
Love is  . . . seeing his face everywhere.
Love is  . . . finding strength in each other when the disaster strikes.
Love is  . . . never feeling like saying good-bye.

I decided to write some ‘Love is . . .’ lines to encapsulate the key themes of Burning Embers. Here they are:

Love is  . . . helping another heal.
Love is  . . . not caring who’s wrong or right.
Love is  . . . knowing when to say yes.
Love is  . . . having the courage to let go.
Love is  . . . believing, even when it seems impossible.
Love is  . . . trusting the heart.

If you like ‘Love is . . .’ I recommend a visit to loveisfan.com, where you can scroll through lots of images and find out more about their creator.

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