
Favourite poem: The Stars Falling

Favourite poem: The Stars Falling

Favourite poem: The Stars Falling

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a poem from my favourite poet, Leconte de Lisle. Regular readers of my blog will remember I have a real affinity for de Lisle’s poetry, which dates back to the 19th century. His verses are a source of inspiration for me in creating vivid, tangible scenes in my mind which I try to convey to the reader through my writing.

The following poem contains such a wonderful blend of atmospheric and romantic nature: sea, wind, lightning, mountains, woods, dawn, the sun … but above all, the stars, ‘unravelled pearls’, ‘sparkles’, ‘heavenly luminaries’, ‘lamps which pour out forgetfulness’. This is a poem to read on a warm summer’s evening, sitting in the garden with a glass of wine, gazing at the canopy of blue-black above and the so-distant diamond sprinkles.

The Stars Falling

Fall, you unravelled pearls,
Pale stars, into the sea.
A fog of rosy cloudbanks
Arises from the clear horizon;
In the Orient, full of sparkles
The playful wind strikes its wings against
The wave embroidered by a brisk lightning-flash.
Fall, O deathless pearls,
Pale stars, into the sea.

Plunge beneath the cool foam
Of the enigmatic Ocean.
Arrows of light riddle
The crest of the dazzling mountains;
A thousand cries and yet a thousand, in bursts,
Come forth from the dew-laden woods;
A melody goes ringing to the heavens.
Plunge, sprinkled with tears,
Into the enigmatic Ocean.

Flee, heavenly luminaries,
O yet-distant Abodes of Bliss!
Silvery-lipped Dawn
Laughs in the heavens and takes wing;
She puts on a gown of soft flames,
And on the emerald-green billows
Makes golden drops twinkle.
Take flight, worlds to which souls go,
O yet-distant Abodes of Bliss!

Go, stars, away to the pleasant nights,
To the wordless heavens of the West.
On the leaves and the mosses
The sun shoots a burning glance;
Stags, prancing along, in the valleys,
Bathe at the ruffled springs;
The noise of men goes grumbling on.
Go, O white exiles,
To the wordless heavens of the West.

Happy the one who follows you, cheerless lights,
O lamps which pour out forgetfulness!
Like you, in the boundless darkness,
Happy the one who wanders in graveclothes!
That is the one who springs towards peace:
Hatred, love, tears, violence,
What man was is now abolished.
Vouchsafe to us eternal stillness,
O lamps which pour out forgetfulness!

La Chute des Etoiles

Tombez, ô perles dénouées,
Pâles étoiles, dans la mer.
Un brouillard de roses nuées
Émerge de l’horizon clair;
À l’Orient plein d’étincelles
Le vent joyeux bat de ses ailes
L’onde que brode un vif éclair.
Tombez, ô perles immortelles,
Pâles étoiles, dans la mer.

Plongez sous les écumes fraîches
De l’Océan mystérieux.
La lumière crible de flèches
Le faîte des monts radieux,
Mille et mille cris, par fusées,
Sortent des bois lourds de rosées;
Une musique vole aux cieux.
Plongez, de larmes arrosées,
Dans l’Océan mystérieux.

Fuyez, astres mélancoliques,
Ô Paradis lointains encor!
L’aurore aux lèvres métalliques
Rit dans le ciel et prend l’essor;
Elle se vêt de molles flammes,
Et sur l’émeraude des lames
Fait pétiller des gouttes d’or.
Fuyez, mondes où vont les âmes,
Ô Paradis lointains encor!

Allez, étoiles, aux nuits douces,
Aux cieux muets de l’Occident.
Sur les feuillages et les mousses
Le soleil darde un oeil ardent;
Les cerfs, par bonds, dans les vallées,
Se baignent aux sources troublées,
Le bruit des hommes va grondant.
Allez, ô blanches exilées,
Aux cieux muets de l’Occident.

Heureux qui vous suit, clartés mornes,
Ô lampes qui versez l’oubli!
Comme vous, dans l’ombre sans bornes,
Heureux qui roule enseveli!
Celui-là vers la paix s’élance:
Haine, amour, larmes, violence,
Ce qui fut l’homme est aboli.
Donnez-nous l’éternel silence,
Ô lampes qui versez l’oubli!

With thanks to John Harding for the translation.

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