
‘We read to know we’re not alone’: Books as solace during our isolation

‘We read to know we’re not alone’: Books as solace during our isolation

‘We read to know we’re not alone’: Books as solace during our isolation

‘In these difficult times, the act of reading can transport us away from a world that feels dark and threatening and grant us a reprieve from our worries. When we read we connect to people. We are not alone…’

I write this article with a heavy heart. The world is in crisis. People are frightened and anxious, and rather than coming together, we must stay apart. Close the doors and remain at home.

The word ‘isolation’ has such negative connotations. To feel isolated is to feel cut off. Of course, we can all keep in touch online and over the telephone. Still, though, there is the pervading sense of loneliness.

But with books, I believe, we need never feel lonely. As William Nicholson wrote for the character of CS Lewis in the movie Shadowlands:

‘We read to know we’re not alone.’

Research by Demos and The Reading Agency charity found that reading books ‘significantly reduces feelings of loneliness’. When we read we connect to people. We are with the author of the book as we read; we are with the characters in the story; we are with all the other readers who have read this book too. We are not alone.

Within the pages of books you can find the solace you need – a soothing balm for your soul. As the great American writer James Baldwin wrote:

‘It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.’

In these difficult times, the act of reading can transport us away from a world that feels dark and threatening and grant us a reprieve from our worries. As Mason Cooley put it:

Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.’

Of course, I recommend romance books for the best possible comfort and escapism at this time. With a romance novel, you are guaranteed to be uplifted with love and light and hope.

I’m currently offering 50% off all of my ebooks, so for less than the price of a cup of coffee you can be swept away into a world of passion, romance and beauty. You’ll find this special offer on my website: https://hannahfielding.net/shop/

Take care of yourselves, and keep a book close to hand. As Ernest Hemingway said:

‘There is no friend as loyal as a book.’

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