Burning Embers
Passion, greed, revenge and the search for love in Africa

Coral Sinclair is a beautiful but naive twenty-five-year-old photographer who has just lost her father. She’s leaving the life she’s known and traveling to Kenya to take ownership of her inheritance–the plantation that was her childhood home–Mpingo. On the voyage from England, Coral meets an enigmatic stranger to whom she has a mystifying attraction. She sees him again days later on the beach near Mpingo, but Coral’s childhood nanny tells her the man is not to be trusted. It is rumored that Rafe de Monfort, owner of a neighboring plantation and a nightclub, is a notorious womanizer having an affair with her stepmother, which may have contributed to her father’s death.
Circumstance confirms Coral’s worst suspicions, but when Rafe’s life is in danger she is driven to make peace. A tentative romance blossoms amidst a meddling ex-fiancé, a jealous stepmother, a car accident, and the dangerous wilderness of Africa. Is Rafe just toying with a young woman’s affections? Is the notorious womanizer only after Coral’s inheritance? Or does Rafe’s troubled past color his every move, making him more vulnerable than Coral could ever imagine?
Set in 1970, this contemporary historical romance sends the seemingly doomed lovers down a destructive path wrought with greed, betrayal, revenge, passion, and love.
Selected reviews
More than just a book… Burning Embers reminds me of the sweeping old-fashioned romance novels that I used to read when I was younger. Hannah Fielding writes with a multi-sensory style that had me experiencing the story on so many unexpected levels. The language and imagery are lush, the history is intriguing and the characters are tormented. It was more than just a book, it was almost an event unto itself – and I’m glad I went along for the ride. – Martini Times Romance
A truly compelling and romantic tale that you won’t want to put down… a novel guaranteed to set your soul alight… This novel has everything from romance, to suspense and passion as well as betrayal and some truly touching moments that leave your heart warmed to the core. … Transporting you to the native and magical atmosphere of Africa, Fielding achieves a level of knowledge and intensity in her writing that leaves us as the reader taken to a mystical world that we can lose ourselves in. The perfect read to indulge in some escapism, Burning Embers is surprisingly Fielding’s debut novel and most definitely one to read. A truly compelling and romantic tale that you won’t want to put down. – Go City Girl
Burning Embers isn’t the type of novel you simply read – it is the kind of book you devour! By the end of the story, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be clutching and shredding Kleenex in your hands… one of the most beautiful and powerful love stories I’ve read in quite a while. – Book Bag Lady
Extract of the book
The plane was in the air for more than an hour. They flew over blue lakes, torrents, and streams that snaked through the vast plains, and long savannahs with dry river beds foaming, great gashes of red, yellow, and white in the earth. At last they came out on a glade. Coral could see a narrow brook and a darker fringe of immense acacias down at the bottom. Slopes of golden grass over six feet high lay on either side of the watercourse. Up behind came solid gray cliffs; their silvery peaks rose and vanished into the heavens, holding captive the sagging mist of the afternoon.
The plane touched down in a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and though the scenery was dramatically beautiful, for some reason Coral felt uneasy.
“It’s taken us a little longer than I thought,” Rafe said as he pushed open the cockpit cabin roof door, braced his feet on the wing of the plane, and jumped to the ground, “but we’ve arrived.” Coral wriggled out of her seat and gingerly stepped onto the wing, sitting on it for a moment as she scanned the surroundings. There was something eerie about the place, as though they were not alone — the uncomfortable sensation that they were being stared at by wild creatures — and she had a vague sense of foreboding. A shadow must have touched her face because Rafe frowned. “Is anything the matter? You seem troubled.”
Coral smiled down at him, not wanting to spoil the moment. “It’s very wild, very beautiful. You seem to have a predilection for enchanting, remote places.”
“In fact, this place isn’t as remote as you might think — it’s on the edge of a Masai village. There’s actually a road not far from here that runs straight to Narok, close to Lady Langley’s plantation.”
Rafe raised his arms to help her off the aircraft. He lifted her toward him, and she felt his strong torso against her breasts. She could sense a heart thumping uncontrollably; was it hers, or his, or both? She couldn’t tell. As he set her down, she gazed up at him. “Oh, Coral, don’t look at me with those eyes. I can’t vouch for my reaction if you do,” he said, his voice sensually low. He let go of her shoulders, gently pushing her away a little. Taking a hamper and a blanket out of the plane, he added, “Let’s have a spot of lunch and a glass of wine.”
Though the afternoon sunshine was beginning to fade, the air was still hot and heavy. Coral was struck by the awesome silence that surrounded them. Not a bird in sight, no shuffle in the undergrowth, even the insects were elusive. They climbed a little way up the escarpment over the plateau and found a spot that dominated the view of the whole glade. Rafe spread out the blanket under an acacia tree. They ate some chicken sandwiches and eggs and polished off the bottle of cordial. They chatted casually, like old friends, about unimportant mundane things, as though they were both trying to ward off the real issue, to stifle the burning embers that were smoldering dangerously in both their minds and their bodies.
All the while, Coral had been aware of the need blossoming inside her, clouding all reason with desire. She could tell that he was fighting his own battle. Why was he holding back? Was he waiting for her to make the first move? Rafe was laying on his side, propped up on his elbow, his head leaning on his hand, watching her through his long black lashes. The rhythm of his breathing was slightly faster, and she could detect a little pulse beating in the middle of his temple, both a suggestion of the turmoil inside him. Rafe put out a hand to touch her but seemed to change his mind and drew it away. Coral stared back at him, her eyes dark with yearning, searching his face.
The shutters came down. “Don’t, Coral,” Rafe whispered, “don’t tease. There’s a limit to the amount of resistance a man has.”
“But Rafe…”
A flash of long blue lightning split the sky, closely followed by a crash of thunder. Coral instinctively threw herself into Rafe’s arms, hiding her face against his broad chest. She had always had a strong phobia of thunderstorms. Now she knew why the place had seemed eerie, why there had been no bird song or insect tick-tocks, no scuffling and ruffling in the undergrowth. Even though the skies when they entered the valley had not foretold the electrical storm that was to come, just like with the animals, her instinct had told her that something was wrong. But she had been too distracted by the turbulence crackling between her and Rafe to pay attention to the changing sky.
Rafe, too, was shaken out of his daze and turned his head to see that the sun had dropped behind the mountain. Dense clouds had swept into the valley and were hanging overhead like a black mantle.
“Where did that come from? No storm was forecast for today?” he muttered, jumping up.
There was another tremendous peal of thunder, lightning lit up the whole glade, and again another crash. Then the heavy drops of rain came hammering down against the treetops, pouring down through the foliage.
A wind was starting up. Without hesitation, Rafe folded the blanket into a small bundle and tucked it under his arm. He slung the hamper over his shoulder, and lifting Coral into his arms, he climbed his way up to the next level of the escarpment where a ledge of rock was jutting out and found the entrance to a cave where they could shelter. Coral was shivering. She tucked her face into his shoulder, her fingers tightly gripping his shirt. She was completely inert, paralyzed by fear. They were both drenched.
There was no way they would be able to get back to Narok tonight. Coral knew from her childhood that storms were always long in this part of the country, and through her panic she prayed that he wouldn’t be piloting that little plane back in this howling gale. At least here they were protected from the storm. It was not yet completely dark. Rafe looked around, still holding her tightly against him. Coral couldn’t herself as she sobbed uncontrollably.
“Shush, it’s all right,” he whispered softly in her ear. “It’s only a storm. By tomorrow morning it’ll all be over.” He brushed her tears away as more fell. “I’m going to have to set you down for a moment, Coral. I need to light us a fire and get you out of those wet clothes.”
An enthralling sense of escape… Hannah Fielding’s descriptions of Kenya were transporting, illuminating and gorgeous – and yet not sugar-coated. She describes problems amidst the glorious beauty, which makes her novel all-the-more intriguing. – Amazon review
Beautifully written… Ms. Fielding is a wonderful storyteller. I was drawn into the beauty of Africa and felt like I could really imagine what the country looked like. Truly wonderful… – Pages of Comfort
The story of Coral and Rafe’s journey is so provocative, emotional and touching… Highly recommend this novel, especially if you are looking for a refreshing love story! – Miscallaneous Thoughts of a Bookaholic
Burning Embers isn’t the type of novel you simply read – it is the kind of book you devour! By the end of the story, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be clutching and shredding Kleenex in your hands… one of the most beautiful and powerful love stories I’ve read in quite a while. – Book Bag Lady
Beautifully written and the emotion leaps right off the page… I recommend this book to anyone who likes historical romance stories or anyone who loves a really romantic story. This book is not just a romance between two people but a love affair with Kenya itself. It’s obvious that the author loves Kenya and brings its beautiful landscapes to life vividly. This is truly a lovely book and one worth putting on your to-read list.– Sharon’s Book Nook
Loved it… I found that I was completely enamoured of this story and wanted to read it at every opportunity, and although I needed to discover more about the smouldering romance between Coral and Rafe, I also wanted to read more about the vivid landscape of Africa, which is brought to life so vividly by this talented author. – Amazon review
The heat is on and this is a story that tugs at the heart… The writing is so grounded yet magical. I loved the contrasts
It felt like stepping into the most beautiful oil painting with thick lavish colours and the most delicate finest moments of translucency. In some ways so simple and sweet, yet so fragrant, heady and complex. – Amazon review
More than just a book… Burning Embers reminds me of the sweeping old-fashioned romance novels that I used to read when I was younger. Hannah Fielding writes with a multi-sensory style that had me experiencing the story on so many unexpected levels. The language and imagery are lush, the history is intriguing and the characters are tormented. It was more than just a book, it was almost an event unto itself – and I’m glad I went along for the ride. – Martini Times Romance
A good-old fashioned love story… I read romance to escape and this is the perfect book for achieving that. Heroine who’s young, naive and has a lot to learn. Hero who’s alpha and hot and has a past and a string of women. A different time, world, and class. The kind of romance that involves picnics in abandoned valleys and hot-air balloon rides and swimming in isolated lakes. Heavenly. – Amazon review
Can’t wait for her next book… You know that feeling when you discover a new writer you just click with? That’s me with Hannah Fielding. Her book stands apart from most of the romance I read these days. You can feel her background coming through, her travels, her French upbringing. Her writing is so poetic and vivid, and the story hooked me from the start. I want to be Coral, living in a more innocent time in a beautiful, hot location, falling for a rich, attractive , broody man. Can’t wait for her next book. – Amazon review
Be still my beating heart!… Phew, this is certainly passionate! It’s not erotica by any means, but the intrigue and suspense and steamy tension build to some very hot love scenes (move over 50 Shades…). I love the slight melodramatic feel in places, like an old movie, and the exotic backdrop. Really indulgent romance. – Amazon review
Location, location, location… I don’t think I’ve ever noticed a setting so much in a novel. Usually in the romances I read setting is just a minor thing described a little at the start. But in this book the settings like a living breathing part of the story. By the end of the book I wanted to book a flight to Kenya and go see some of the places described. The story itself is great – plenty of romance and mystery in there – but for me it’s the setting that sticks in my mind. – Amazon review
I would give six stars if I could… The author has a wonderful way with words and descriptive writing places the reader right at the center of every scene. The story jumped off the page. All in all this is a fantastic read and I highly recommend it, especially at this time of year. Perfect beach read. – Amazon review
An excellent read… If you’re looking for intrigue and romance this is the novel for you. I highly recommend it. – A Novel Review
An accomplished author who knows her craft… for a debut novel BURNING EMBERS is first class – beautifully written with an intriguing premise and interesting characters. – Romancing the Book
Hot, sultry, breathtakingly beautiful and entirely unpredictable… I think the end analysis of a good read is whether it lingers, and this one certainly did. – A Bookish Libraria
A wonderful ending… The author’s writing … was gentle and poetic. This is the perfect book that you can read before you get into bed or if you want to relax for the weekend. – Quality Reads UK
Beautifully written, romantic story… Great characters set against exotic landscapes. All the right ingredients for very engaging story. – Goodreads review
A compelling, passionate love story… A beautifully written book by a ‘wordsmith’ who clearly loves Africa, especially Kenya, it is a compelling, passionate love story that will thrill and grip any devotee of romantic fiction. – Amazon review
A truly cinematic story… Burning Embers is an evocative story, full of lush imagery, fascinating characters, and exotic locales. Hannah Fielding’s use of the English language is inspiring, her … writing is vivid, compelling, magical. It’s an upmarket saga, full of mystery, twists, and turns. A truly cinematic story. Smart, sensual, contemporary fiction with a seamless five-star execution. – Jan Moran
Feels like you are there with them… I really loved the characters of the story. If you love romance stories that keep you guessing what is going to happen, then this book is for you! The author also describes things with such detail that it feels like you are there with them! – Goodreads review
A good old-fashioned romance!… with Hannah Fielding’s book I felt I was transported straight to Kenya and into a world far removed from the usual romance fluff on offer these days. The writing lifts this book out of the conventional romance genre, with descriptions of the exotic backdrop of the African wilderness so evocative and enchanting that you can almost see the country around you as the love story develops. The plot had me hooked… And the hints of African black magic, together with the exotic backdrop of the African wilderness, were reminiscent of the old Hollywood films and adventures they don’t seem to make any more. … I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who expects a little more from a romantic novel and I shall be looking out for Hannah Fielding’s next book with great anticipation! – Amazon review
For any romance reader experiencing a serious case of wanderlust… Ms Fielding has expertly wielded her plotting and descriptive skills in bringing to life this love story. And by rendering the exotic scenery and setting with careful and convincing detail, the author puts the reader right on the African continent and involves us in Coral and Rafe’s tense romantic adventures. I thoroughly enjoyed this nostalgic trip on a foreign continent, and I would recommend it to any romance reader experiencing a serious case of wanderlust. – Goodreads review
Heart capturing romance… Burning Embers is a beautifully written contemporary historical romance…. heart capturing romance with an undercurrent of mystery. – Paulette’s Papers
It warmed every corner of my heart… The story is absolutely wonderful. This story bases itself on love, the kind that runs deep, the kind that leaves you knowing without a doubt, that person loves you. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and found that it warmed every corner of my heart. – Cocktails and Books
What a great book!… I love Africa and have always been interested in the country. This author makes you believe that you are there in every way. I would read this before I went to sleep at night and would dream about being there, her description was that good. – Goodreads review
Exotic adventure… Well done, Hannah Fielding! What an incredible story… You drew me in straight away with the setup on the ship! The adventure of Coral and Rafe started there and progressed to Kenya. Amazing setting descriptions that can only come from a true appreciation of that country. I loved your characters. They were easy to relate to yet they came in layers. And the only way I could discover the next layer was to keep reading. I felt the sizzle between Coral and Rafe early on and watched it grow into love, but along with the growing affection came a ton of conflict. And it just kept coming – everything from secondary characters to gossip, mystery, doubt, mistrust, and more was thrown at Coral and Rafe to keep them apart. All of those things took the hero and heroine to the breaking point and all seemed lost. But the thing about true love, it doesn’t give up. This book was expertly written to keep me wanting more. I would definitely read this author again! – Goodreads review
Well written and highly entertaining… I found this book a great read. It captures the reader’s attention from the beginning, weaving the story in such a manner that it is easy to slip right into the plot… The way Fielding writes, with lush detail that never overwhelms or bores, really takes the reader right to the places she describes… The plot is quick, as it should be in this genre, with nice sense of timing… I do recommend this book for all lovers of a romantic story that is well written and highly entertaining. – Carabosse’s Library book blog
A compelling, passionate love story… A beautifully written book by a ‘wordsmith’ who clearly loves Africa, especially Kenya, it is a compelling, passionate love story that will thrill and grip any devotee of romantic fiction. – Goodreads review
A wonderful written image of Kenya… The real star of BURNING EMBERS was the setting. Hannah Fielding created a backdrop for this story that held me spellbound. Using her travel experiences, she is able to weave a wonderful written image of Kenya and the time period so that I felt as if I was truly in Africa. – Unwrapping Romance blog
A very good read… Burning Embers is a book that I have won through the Goodreads First Reads Giveaway. I am glad to have been a recipient of this book as it was, indeed, a very good read. I really enjoyed this book and I know that anyone that reads it will too. Thank you Goodreads and Ms. Fielding. – Goodreads review
Such a delight… What can I say I absolutely loved this book. It took me on a journey to Africa that I did not want to come back from… The writing style was beautiful and such a delight to experience. It held me captivated to the very end. – Goodreads review.
A writing style which draws you into the book… This is the first book I have read by Hannah Fielding and I will start by saying it won’t be my last. I won this book in a competition and what a prize it turned out to be. Hannah Fielding has a writing style which draws you into the book and immerses you in it… I would definitely recommend. – Amazon review
One of my favourite summer reads… Burning Embers is a beautifully written novel; I was engrossed in the story from start to finish. I loved the setting of the book in 1970s Kenya which lent perfectly to accentuating “the heat” between the two protagonists, Coral and Rafe. The intense love story that unfolds coupled with the sublimely poetic descriptions of the landscape and setting left me gripped throughout. Burning Embers has definitely been one of my favourite summer reads, and I highly recommend it – easily five stars. – Amazon review
An intense, vivid and passionate love story… Burning Embers is a lovely read. Hannah Fielding’s historical novel places her principal character, the beautiful, blond twenty-five year old Coral Sinclair, firmly in the 1970’s. This frees the narrative from any contemporary challenges concerning the complexity of gender stereotyping. Not for Coral are there problems of balancing a career, marriage, motherhood and independence. The author allows her imagination to flourish as she constructs an intense, vivid and passionate love story. She writes with great descriptive flair and sensitive observation evoking successfully the beautiful and exotic African landscape… This is a good book which I would thoroughly recommend. – Amazon review
A nostalgic innocence… This book is enchanting from the moment you begin reading it… I was swept away by the charm and quality of the writing. The style has a nostalgic innocence which is so rare in modern novels and some of the descriptions, particularly of the African wilderness, are breath-taking. The two key characters, Coral and Rafe, are both captivating and attractive without becoming stereotypes, and the story of their love is believable as well as romantic. The historical and Kenyan setting are both well-researched and provide a wonderful backdrop… I would recommend this book as a rare gem with wide appeal, a really excellent read. – Amazon review
An epic romance like Hollywood used to make… The setting is Kenya in the 1970s where Coral Sinclair has come to claim the plantation she has inherited. But the handsome stranger she met on the boat from England turns out to be Rafe, the notorious womaniser. But an unlikely love blossoms against a wild and beautiful backdrop. Ahh! – Peterborough Evening Telegraph
A destructive, historical romance laced with greed, revenge, betrayal and love. – What’s On magazine in Kent newspapers
A captivating journey… a book to get lost in. It’ll take you on a captivating journey to a time and a place I’ve never experienced. Her descriptions are so vivid you feel like you are there! The love story between Coral and Rafe is not an easy one and you are kept on your toes throughout the book wondering how it will end. If you want to treat yourself to a good book this summer, you should read Burning Embers. – Amazon review
A wonderful romance… What a delight! Here is a book that is true to its genre and that transfers us to a world of true love and romance… What I enjoyed the most about this book was not only the author’s romantic description of the intense feelings amongst the two main protagonists, Coral and Rafe, but that it was set in one of the most historically important times for Kenya… Here is an author of a wonderful romance who intuitively seems to have understood Mboya’s role in Kenya’s politics at the time and the ripple effects his assassination had on the future of the country. In addition, this is not a naïve book – the author understands that behind every fulfilled love there is likely to be an unfulfilled one. … Overall a great book, thank you Hannah Fielding. – Amazon review
A truly compelling and romantic tale that you won’t want to put down… a novel guaranteed to set your soul alight… This novel has everything from romance, to suspense and passion as well as betrayal and some truly touching moments that leave your heart warmed to the core. … Transporting you to the native and magical atmosphere of Africa, Fielding achieves a level of knowledge and intensity in her writing that leaves us as the reader taken to a mystical world that we can lose ourselves in. The perfect read to indulge in some escapism, Burning Embers is surprisingly Fielding’s debut novel and most definitely one to read. A truly compelling and romantic tale that you won’t want to put down. – Go City Girl
A romantic delight… Burning Embers is a romantic delight and an absolute must-read for anyone looking to escape to a world of colour, beauty, passion and love. I was recommended this book by a friend at my book club and I have to say, it was a wonderful discovery. I was utterly transported and gripped from the outset… What I really loved about this book was the way that Hannah Fielding paints such a vivid picture – not only of the characters, their hopes, fears and dreams, but also the place where all the drama unfolds. For those who can’t go to Kenya in reality, this has got to be the next best thing… There is a wonderful sensitivity to the way Hannah Fielding writes – almost old fashioned, like the books of Victoria Holt which I so enjoyed in my teens. I just can’t wait to read her next book. – Amazon review
A lovely way to escape from everyday life… If you like a feel-good romantic novel then you will not be disappointed by this wonderfully evocative love story set in Kenya in the 1970’s. The descriptive passages are excellent and truly conjure up the warmth and beauty of that most magical country. The story proceeds at a good pace with characters who make one just want to keep reading and to remain in their world… Hannah Fielding has certainly written a very well researched, interesting and highly enjoyable first novel, hopefully many more will follow. A great holiday read or just a lovely way to escape from everyday life. – Amazon review
Beautifully written, exciting and full of passion… Sometimes when you read a good book you don’t want to stop, even when your eyes are closing, then you can’t wait to start reading again. Burning Embers is definitely one of them. Passionately written romance, I loved author’s style – so different. The love scenes are written amazingly. Beautifully written, exciting and full of passion… – Amazon review
Everything that I want in a book to keep me interested… This book had everything that I want in a book to keep me interested, romance, passion, mystery and the descriptive narrative of the Kenyan countryside made me wish I was there instead of being stuck here on a damp summer’s day. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for future releases from Hannah to see where she takes us next. – Shaz’s Book Blog
A wonderful read… I received this book free from the author and simply loved it! The story takes place in Africa, and Hannah makes it sound so wonderful! I would love to be able to visit it someday. I fell in love with Coral and Rafe and immediately took a disliking to Coral’s stepmother, Cybil! I will definitely be recommending this book to my friends! Thank you, Hannah for a wonderful read! – Goodreads review
If the sign of a good book is that it transports you to another place this book is it… Hannah Fielding’s first book Burning Embers takes you on an unforgettable journey to Africa in the 1970s. Her vivid descriptions of Africa and beautiful love story will take you away. … The descriptions in this book are pictures painted with words. The love story is sensual without being crude. The characters well developed and the book totally enjoyable. If the sign of a good book is that it transports you to another place this book is it. It is a book that I would re-read and one that I will share with my friends. – Goodreads review
I was whisked away to somewhere hot and exquisitely beautiful… I love the detailed description used in this book, and the author’s obvious passion for the setting, its people, wildlife and scenery – it really made the book come alive. For a few hours I was whisked away to somewhere hot and exquisitely beautiful… As expected, this book delivers many surprising complications in Coral and Rafe’s love story, including a step-mother, ex-lovers, illness, accidents, misunderstandings and sorcery – all of which make this book a real page turner. .. The author’s description of characters brings them leaping from the page, so much so that… I really wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on, and see them happy together in the end… You will love this book if you enjoy fantastic description, steamy and fiery characters and romances, and a little bit of mystery too. – Goodreads review
I found myself lost in the story… The cover and the blurb suggested passion and intrigue, and it didn’t disappoint. I found myself lost in the story, and ended up staying up late to finish it. I was pleasantly surprised by the writing style – more poetic than most contemporary romance I read. Looking at the author’s website, I see she was brought up speaking French, and I think something of that comes through in how she writes. My favourite aspect of the book was the setting; I visited Kenya for a safari as a child and had remembered the scenery, and I think this book really conveys a sense of the country. All in all, a good read and I’ll look out for her next book. – Goodreads review
Can’t wait for the next book to come out… Have you ever wished of running away from everyday’s life and leaping into the pages of a mesmerizing book that will embrace you with romance, thrill you with suspense and carry you into a new world filled with exotic fragrances and vivid descriptions that will animate your imagination? Well, Burning Embers is all that and then some… I really loved Burning Embers and couldn’t let go of it, which is amazing, because I’m not usually a great fan of romance novels. But thanks to the author’s way of teleporting the reader to a distant place and time, depicting the sceneries with such pictorial colours, painting the heroes with such genuine emotions, that not only did I ideate the locale, connect with Coral and Rafe, but felt as if I was part of the plot. I give five stars to Hannah Fielding and Burning Embers. And I can’t wait for the next book to come out. Hats off to Hannah Fielding on her first novel – and many more I hope. – Amazon review
The kind of romance that makes you sigh dreamily… Burning Embers is that kind of romance that makes you sigh dreamily and lets your mind wonder to the beautiful lands of Africa, where it’s set. Hannah Fielding writes so beautifully that I really felt like I was being embraced by the magical atmosphere of Kenya and I was witnessing the touching love story between Coral and Rafe unfold … Rafe has definitely entered the list of my favorite male characters … A book that’s really worth the read. – Bookish Temptations
A beautifully told story with well developed and memorable characters in an exotic setting… This book is well worth reading. – Amazon review
Words cannot truly describe how amazingly beautiful this book is!… This is a truly beautiful story that I would highly recommend to everyone! – Debra’s Book Café