
Romance Madness Blog Hop: Five must-read romance novels + giveaway

Romance Madness Blog Hop: Five must-read romance novels + giveaway

Romance Madness Blog Hop: Five must-read romance novels + giveaway

Today I’m participating in The Romance Reviews’ Romance Madness Hop, in which bloggers come together to showcase favourite romance novels. I so love romance books, and have done my whole life, so choosing just one to feature today proved too hard a task. Therefore, I’m sharing with you five of my favourite romance reads:

The Shadow of the Moon by MM Kaye. Had I to pick a favourite writer, MM Kaye would be my choice. She writes so vividly, and her fabulous descriptions transport you to a time and a place so effectively that you are drawn into the story. The Shadow of the Moon tells the story of a beautiful English heiress come home to her beloved India and her protector who falls in love with her, set against the backdrop of war that threatens the empire. It’s epic, it’s romantic and it’s timeless.



Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. This has been one of my favourite books since I first read it in my youth because it is so wonderfully romantic and Charlotte Brontë has such a beautiful writing style. Jane is such a strong, admirable character, and Mr Rochester is the ultimate byronic hero. I defy anyone to read this book and not be swept away by the poignancy and power of the words.




Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. I was educated at a French convent school and I read French Literature at university, so as you can imagine, I have a strong connection to this great French writer. If, like me, you love thick books and long, intricate, detailed plots then Les Misérables is a must-read. The stage show and the film are wonderful, of course, but they really can’t convey the power of Hugo’s words. There is such beauty in the language, and such wisdom. Take, for example, this quotation from the book: “When love has fused and mingled two beings in a sacred and angelic unity, the secret of life has been discovered so far as they are concerned; they are no longer anything more than the two boundaries of the same destiny; they are no longer anything but the two wings of the same spirit. Love, soar.” My heart sighs just to read those words!

The Fever Tree by Jennifer McVeigh. This is a recent read for me, but I’ve found it has echoed in me since I closed the book. Stirring and romantic in a grounding, inspiring way, and eye-opening in terms of its exploration of colonial South Africa. For my review of the book, see https://hannahfielding.net/?p=1745.




Burning Embers by Hannah Fielding. Is it cheating to choose your own book? Well, the American writer Toni Morrison once said, ‘If there’s a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.’ This is how I feel about my books, and I’m sure it is how other authors feel as well – we love our books, because they embody stories that have lived and breathed inside our minds, our hearts, our souls for a lifetime.




Would you like to escape into a passionate, vivid romance? For your chance to win a copy of my novel Burning Embers, simply comment on this post by the end of the hop.

The Romance Reviews Romance Madness Hop

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12 years ago

thanks for joining the blog hop….love these to find great books to read.

Amber L
Amber L
12 years ago

Love the blog hop

Kaylyn D
Kaylyn D
12 years ago

I actually have never read any of those books… I know shocking. lol My favorite classic romance book is Pride and Prejudice. I loved it since the first time I read it at 13. Thanks for the giveaway.

12 years ago

Thank you for the chance!

[email protected]

12 years ago

I love Jane Eyre! Such a good book

Meghan Stith
Meghan Stith
12 years ago

Yes! I love reading a good romance!

[email protected]

12 years ago

Thanks for sharing.


Petula Winmill
Petula Winmill
12 years ago

You are a new author for me. The books look great. That’s why I like blog hops always find new authors.

[email protected]

Karen H in NC
Karen H in NC
12 years ago

I haven’t read any of your favorite books either. But some that I have read that stand the test of time are Forever Amber and Gone with the Wind…just 2 of my all-time favorite books.

Thanks for the giveaway.

kareninnc at gmail dot com

Karen Arrowood
Karen Arrowood
12 years ago

I’ve read Jane Eyra and Les Mis, but not the other books you highlighted. Looks like I have some new books to place on my TBR pile! I love a good romance book.

Thank you for the opportunity!
[email protected]

12 years ago

Heck ya!!!
I would love to escape into a romance novel…there’s just the problem of choosing which one, because of curse I’d have to had read it already. I wouldn’t want to have something pop up that I didn’t know about.
The whole idea of escaping is mind blowing…wouldn’t it be cool if that was a super power…

thanks for the giveaway

beejee77 at gmail dot com

Tina M.E.
12 years ago

I am a hopeless romantic who has put myself in many situations for the sake of love! I am also an old school traditionalist who loves a new book in my hand, (or in many cases, an old one!) I agree that as an author of paranormal romance, I too, love the characters and story lines of my books, embracing every detail… thank you for the fabulous giveaway 🙂 Tina M.E.

Carol L
Carol L
12 years ago

Thanks for participating and the opportunity.
Carol L.

12 years ago

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Tracey D
Tracey D
12 years ago

Some of these books are new to me. I need to check them out.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Cassandra Hicks
Cassandra Hicks
12 years ago

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
[email protected]

Felicia M Ciaudelli
Felicia M Ciaudelli
12 years ago

Thank goodness for these blog hops – I have been introduced to so many cool authors, including you!

vera mallard
vera mallard
12 years ago

thank for sharing your favorites, I also love Jane Eyre and read it at least twice a year
vera28546 at yahoo (dot) com

12 years ago

A good romance is a really great read.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Celina K
Celina K
12 years ago

I don’t know if I could even narrow it down to 5, and there is nothing wrong with you choosing your own book. It would b more odd if you DIDN’T like it! =)

Thanks for the giveaway!

dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com

12 years ago

Thanks for the great post.
skpetal at hotmail dot com

Daniel M
Daniel M
12 years ago

thanks for the giveaway! – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Michelle Tucker
Michelle Tucker
12 years ago

Sounds like some great reading!
Michelle Tucker
michelletucker at baconnation dot net

Hywela Lyn
12 years ago

I love these blogspots. I’m taking part myself and have been trying to visit every other blog in the hop. I love your book choices and Jane Eyre and Les Miserables are two of my favourites as well.

Hannah Fielding
Hannah Fielding
12 years ago

Thank you for your entries! I chose Celina K as the winner (Celina, I’ll email you shortly). Do watch the blog for more chances to win a copy coming soon.

Hannah xx